Med Marine A.Ş.

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1983-built, Turkey-flagged, general cargo vessel Ikra (IMO 7901837) reported a danger of sinking as a result of water ingress in the engine room at around noon local time on August 18th, soon after leaving Iskenderun on the Eastern Mediterranean coast.

Ten crew were evacuated by Med Marine and the salvage operations were conducted with 4 Med Marine tugboats and 18 Med Marine personnel.

The vessel was salvaged, towed back to Iskenderun and berthed at around 19:00 that evening. As of Sunday morning she remained berthed.



A 197-meter-long dry cargo ship M/V Global Laguna was fired at the MMK Port in İskenderun. Med Marine intervened in the fire immediately by the instructions of the Port Authority.

The fire broke out on the Panamanian-flagged ship named Global Laguna, while unloading the cargo of scrap at MMK Port, one of the longest ports in the Iskenderun Gulf. 

The fire was extinguished from the shore and sea with the help of 14 Med Marine personnel and 3 Med Marine tugboats.


Oil Spill-Wreck Removal at Istanbul on 29.12.1999 The last Tier 3 scale oil spill in Turkey, VOLGONEFT 248 has been a defining point and historic moment in handling of such matters. Unlike the earlier spill case, NASSIA, which was much larger in the amount of spilled oil, VOLGONEFT 248 demanded much more competence from our side in dealing with various aspects of the matter.

The authorities assembled under the same roof of a permanent Crisis Committee were much more demanding in response and clean-up programme; the claimants were more numerous and well organized; waste disposal and "how clean is clean" were tougher problems.

Our Company, which had a great effect on reaching a rapid solution by its good local reputation, together with an appointed law office and surveyors and with support of ITOPF, managed to acquire the best overall result for the benefit for the Club.


Istanbul on 13.02.1997 (Wreck Removal Operation) Whist the 308.5 meter long tanker named M/T TPOA with the dwt of 160.000 was being made subject to the maintenance and repair services at shipyard exploded, which caused a number of deaths, severe pollution.

The nature and extent of the incident created a significant public sensitivity as a result of having a broad repercussion in press and therefore strong pressure was applied by both of the non-governmental organizations and the state authorities.

Clean-up operations were conducted all by local means and teams under guidance of ITOPF duly and properly. A large number of claims were handled by an independent law office. Results ensured an absolute satisfaction of the Club, local authorities and concerned parties.


A 9.000 DWT Cypriot cargo carrier that was beached high and dry off Antalya in November 1980. Using only beach gear, we refloated her after an operation that lasted some two months owing to bad weather, official ineptitude and having to be very careful not to further disturb a NATO pipeline that had horizontally impaled the casualty's double-bottom.

Whilst this was before the time of even Istanbul Salvage, it was conducted by Omur Marine, whose members are the founders of both Istanbul and Omur Salvage.


A 4,000 GRT Turkish RoRo that capsized near Mersin in the Autumn of 1985. We salved her cargo and refloated her over the winter period.


A Turkish tanker that sustained bottom damage during passage through the Suez Canal in 1986. We backed the damaged area with water and divers riveted patching to make good the hull's integrity.


In 1988 at Port Said, we attended one of Um Tankers' vessels, a 200,000 DWT VLCC, which had sustained some 25 metres of bottom damage whilst transitting the Suez Canal. We made this damage good and the Tanker's classification Society alloved her to proceed to her destination at Morocco under our command.


A 30,000 DWT Turkish general cargo vessel which, while carrying fertilizer to Mexico, grounded off Fethiye in May 1988. Refloated by a combination of dredging and scouring, though, because there was a large rock in way of the grounding great care was taken not to worsen any bottom damage. Overall the reflotation took 10 days. This was performed under TOF (Turkish Open Form) terms.


A handy size Turkish bulk carrier which grounded off Izmir with a cargo of bulk cement in 1989. Patched below the waterline and refloated her by dredging, the operation taking about 10 days. This claim was submitted to private arbitration in London.


A 100,000 DWT OBO which suffered a flooded engine-room in approximately the same location and at almost the same time as the "ERTUG", whilst fully laden with coal. Although several diving companies were called in from Turkey they were unable to locate the source of the ingress. However, Omur traced it to a jammed hydraulic valve on a sea chest.

This was freed, whereupon the sea chest was sealed, flood waters pumped out and the vessel towed to Tuzla, enabling her cargo to be discharged. This was done on a private lump-sum contract with the ship-owner. This operation took around six days in total.


A 320 TEU container vessel which grounded off Izmir in December 1990. Refloated by a combination of dredging and scouring, the operation taking about 5 days. This was undertaken under LOF.


An 8,750 DWT Maltese bulker which went aground in July 1993 in approximately the same position at Fethiye as "ZIGANA", carrying 9,000 tons of nephline syenite. She was refloated by scouring and dredging and altering her various ballast tanks. This took about 4 days and was done under LOF 90.


A Liberian bulk-carrier of about 35,000 DWT which went aground on rocks off Aliaga in late November 1993, having just discharged her cargo. Matters were complicated as the site of the grounding was within the protection areas of both Petkim Refinery and the national museum due to ancient artifacts and wrecks in the area. Underwater repairs were carried out, including patching and doubling using wood, epoxy and steel as and where necessary.

As she was carrying about 900 tons of fuel oil on board all necessary precautions were taken to prevent pollution. Slops from the flooded engine room were discharged into lightening vessels, barriers and skimmers were positioned, and dispersants were held ready. The refloatation itself took about one week but salvage services lasted for three weeks in total. This case was undertaken under LOF 1990 and included an Article 14 claim.


A Turkish bulk ore carrier of 27,236 DWT which went aground near Samso Island in Denmark in February 1994.Cargo was 18,000 tons of feed-barley. Refloatation involved the discharge of 200 tons of slops and 700 tons of bunkers, dredging and scouring with two tugs. The operation took two weeks, weather and lower than usual tides adversely affecting the situation. This salvage was performed under LOF 1990.


A 132,517 DWT Greek tanker which suffered an explosion and huge fire following a collision in the Bosphorus in March 1994. This massive operation involved major fire-fighting, cooling, inerting, towing, ship-to-ship transfer, vast pollution prevention and continuous stress-calculations throughout. The operation lasted some six weeks during which Omur worked as co-contractors under an LOF 90. This was a very challenging operation where 37 vessels were engaged.


A Turkish coaster of 2680 DWT that went aground off Tasucu in southern Turkey in April 1994, carrying a cargo of fresh citrus produce. Refloatation was achieved through dredging and scouring. The operation lasted some two days. This was done under LOF 1990.


A 3,800 DWT Turkish vessel carrying steel coils that went aground in sand off Taranto in Italy in August 1994. 25,500 lts of fuel-oil was transferred to the "Smith Langawi", she was deballasted and refloated all within five days. This was performed under Turkish Open Form.


A Turkish general cargo vessel of around 3,900 DWT, carrying 3,750 tons of steel products, that went aground on mixed sand and limestone in Bayona Bay, Spain in August 1994. She suffered substantial bottom damage and large crack over frames 68 to59. Her no.1 centre diesel-oil tank was tidal and she was suffering progressive damage to her no.2 port double-bottom and no.2 starboard oil booms were put in place and sludge and slops were removed.

Lightening was affected by the partial discharge of some of the cargo and the casualty was taken to Vigo. This operation took four days and was again performed by Omur under LOF.


A Greek tanker of 1,479 DWT, though in ballast that was almost completely beached at Kilyos near the Northern entrance to the Bosphorus in November 1994. Omur fixed her position with beach-gear and dredged a 100m channel to the casualty.

Then scoured around her, eventually refloating and towing her out to a suitable depth. This operation took two and half months owing to the awful and unpredictable conditions extant in the Black Sea at that time of year. It was performed under private contract with her P&I Club.


A 40,926 DWT Greek bulk-carrier that, following a serious collision,was heavily grounded with a 38,000 ton steel cargo in the Dardanelles in December 1994. Omur fixed her position with a kedge-anchor and two sets of beach-tackle and commenced patching and pumping operations. Following this she was eventually refloated by a combination of trimming, ballasting and lightening and then towed and escorted her to Bandirma.

Pollution-prevention contingency measures were in place throughout, and all the cargo that had been transshipped was washed and subjected to preservation processes. In all the operation took about 40 days.


A Turkish vessel of about 4,500 DWT that, whilst in ballast, grounded on the southern harbour breakwater of Chioggia in Italy in December 1994. As a result her engine-room was flooded and she suffered some bottom damage. The engine-room was pumped dry and correct preservation treatment was applied following refloating. This was undertaken under LOF.


A small Turkish vessel of 1,350 GRT that, with a cargo of aluminium ingots, was drifting out of control off the Dutch coast on new year's Eve 1994. She had been rendered a dead ship by an explosion in her engine-room and, because of heavy weather, subsequently suffered flooding. The "Smith Lloyd" was dispatched and, after a two day rescue tow, brought her safely to Port. This was done under LOF.


A 22,000 DWT Turkish bulk carrier that went aground in sand near Khuna in Bangladesh in March 1995 whilst carrying 11,700 tons of cement. This stranding had damaged her transmission so that she was left without any stern drive. She was refloated, towed and safely anchored at Chittagong following an 8 days operation. Here we co-contracted under LOF.


A 35,124 DWT Chinese bulker, fully laden with steel, grounded and partially sank at Moda following a collision in the Southern entrance to the Bosphorus in March 1995. She suffered a 70 meters gash in her port side, holds 1 and 2 were completely sunk and No.3 was fully tidal because of the No.2/3 bulkhead failing.

She was also in serious danger of breaking up. Omur built a cofferdam around No.1, patched No.2 and discharged N.1 and 2 Double-bottoms and forward ballast tank. She was refloated and taken to Izmit. The operation lasted about 25 days and was performed under Turkish Open Form.


A Turkish cargo vessel of 11,675 GRT that went hard aground while carrying about 10,000 tons of steel coils and 8,700 tons of timber from Ventspils to the Eastern Mediterranean. She was grounded over a length of 50 meters in a busy shipping lane in the Western Baltic.

Lightening was carried out by cargo discharge into a lightening vessel and she was refloated by this, towage and the use of a sheerleg. The casualty was taken to Kalandberg where the discharged cargo was reloaded. This operation lasted some seven days and was performed under LOF.


A 3,200 DWT Turkish cargo vessel that went aground in the Aegean in late December 1995 en-route to Israel with a cargo of bagged cement. Her hull was torn in way of her forepeak towards No.1 hold for five meters. Omur lightened and refloated her and then escorted her to Gulluk near Izmir. The operation lasted some three days and was undertaken under LOF 1995.


A Turkish coaster of 2,965 DWT that suffered main-engine failure in the mid-Mediterranean in late February 1996 and started to drift in very heavy seas with a 10°-12° list. Omur despatched a tug from Valletta, Malta and towed the casualty back there. The operation lasted some two and a half days and was done under LOF 1995.


A Turkish bulker of 12,000 DWT which became a dead ship and started drifting amongst oil-platforms in the middle of the Texel traffic separation scheme off Holland at the end of March 1996. She was laden with approximately 10,800 tons of rice. Omur despatched a tug and towed her to Gdynia, her next Port of call. In all the operation lasted some 8 days and was again done under LOF.


A small Maltese bulker that went aground in the Sulina Canal in June 1996. Tugs were despatched and safely towed the casualty clear. This operation performed under LOF '95.


A small Turkish bulker that suffered engine failure and started drifting in the Mediterranean between Italy and Sardinia. Tug was despatched and vessel towed to safety.


A Turkish bulker laden with steel pallets that grounded at the entrance to Porto Nogaro in the Northern Adriatic in Marc 1997. Omur despatched a salvage team to Italy and by a combination of dredging at lightening the vessel was refloated within three days (previous efforts by local operators had resulted in the casualty being left more and more heavily aground).


A small Turkish product tanker that cought fire in the Bay of Izmit in August 1997. Omur despatched a tug with firefighting capability and the fire was brought under control within half a day. The casualty was then taken under tow and delivered to a place of safety.


A Turkish bulker that went aground off Sarubaya in Indonesia whilst carrying Agriproducts. Co-contracting under LOF'97 to refloat the vessel, this being achieved within six days.


A Turkish bulker that, when loaded with sugar, suffered main-engine failure in the Bay of Biscay. Omur despatched a tug from Spain and vessel was successfully towed to safety. This operation was performed under LOF'95.


A small cargo vessel that went aground in Iskenderun bay in December 1998. Omur refloated her within three days, successfully avoiding pollution to the surrounding coast. This operation was a lumpsum contract.


A 6,000 DWT tanker that fully loaded with fuel-oil, was adrift in heavy water in the eastern Aegean in February 1999. Omur despatched our tug the "OCEAN ERGUN" to render emergency assistance to the casualty, who was delivered to safety with her cargo. This operation was performed under TOF.


A 1,093 DWT tanker that loaded with approx. 954 tonnes pure olive oil was agrounded in Izmir Bay, Turkey on 26 August, 1999. Contracting under LOF '95, Omur despatched its tug "DILOVASI VII" and refloated the casualty by dredging. This operation was achieved within 3 days.


A 27,311 DWT Turkish bulk-carrier loaded with approx 3,000M/T zinc ingot hit in collision in St.Petersburg/ Russia. After sailing, water entered #2 hold to sea-level as a result, this tank being fully tidal. Casualty towed to Gdansk against heavy weather/sea conditions and delivered to dry dock for repair.


A 169,168 DWT capsize bulker that loaded with approx.164.000tonnes coal was agrounded in Karadeniz Eregli / Turkey on 26th November, 2001. Contracting under "Wreckfixed '99" No Cure No Pay, Omur despatched a floating crane, three salvage tugboats and lightering vessels and refloated the casualty by transshipment.


A 45,800 DWT bulk carrier that loaded with approx. 39,000tonnes cement clinker was agrounded at Red Sea on 21st April, 2002. Contacting under LOF 2000, Omur despatched a lightering vessel, one salvage tugboat and grabs and refloated the casualty by transshipment.


A 48,500 DWT bulk carrier that fully laden with bulk soybean was agrounded at Mississippi River on 11th December, 2002. Contracting under LOF 2000, vessel refloated by transshipment on 23rd December, 2002.


A 24,518 DWT bulk carrier that laden with bulk wheat was agrounded at Alexandria Port/Egypt. Contracting under LOF 2000 and SCOPIC invoked, vessel refloated by transshipment and services terminated on 01.03.2003.


A 70,2227DWT Turkish flagged bulk carrier laden with fertiliser was agrounded at Yesilköy, Istanbul/ Turkey. As this area is monopoly area of the State Salvage Company, our Company executed lighterage operation by means of pneumatic, a special kind of pump in order to prevent any damages to cargo, under a seperate contract being the backbone of the salvage operation.

Approx 8900M/T of cargo has been discharged from the Vessel and reloaded upon refloatation. This operation commenced on 08.03.2003 and completed on 22.03.2003.


A 149,000DWT Panama flagged bulk carrier laden with approx.136,500M/T of iron ore was agrounded at Karadeniz Eregli/ Turkey on 15.03.2003. Contracting under LOF2000 with SCOPIC incorporated dated 17.03.2003, Vessel refloated by lightering approx 6500M/T of cargo and services terminated on 27.03.2003. A floating crane, a lightering vessel, three tugboats, an oil spill response boat, an excavator and a mobile crane with u/w equipment were engaged in the operation.